Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Graphic Design

Graphic Design
by Ainsley Heise

Inn the past day i watched a video in my graphic design class. In the video it described what graphic design is and how it effects your everyday lifestyle. You may not notice it but graphic design is everywhere! In your house, school, restaurants, businesses and so much more! You probably don't notice it because everyone either expects it or is prone to it. 

What I found interesting in the video is that if you make something interesting and intriguing then it will keep or draw people there. For example of your walking down the stairs of a parking garage the designers may have made the level numbers or letters interesting so you can remember them. Art museums also interest people because of the pretty color, shape, and texture. 

What i didn't know was that graphic design always has a message behind it. The point of it is to communicate something to the reader or observer. It always has an idea behind it you just may not know it at first. Graphic design expresses how people feel and usually it makes people happy but if it is based off a depressing topic then it may be a darker colored design. 

Overall I took a lot away from that video and am happy that I did because I thought graphic design was just random designs but I realize that it is all around mean and it's actually really cool. 

I chose this picture as my visual because I thought it was very modern and looks a lot what people are into. For example I've seen this kind of design in peoples and I thought it was so creative and really expresses what interests people in current time.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Over view of "They loved your GPA, then they saw your tweets"

Overview of 
"They loved your GPA, then they saw your tweets"
by Ainsley Heise 

       In this article it informs kids to be careful on what they post on social media. Many high school seniors will apply for top colleges but what the seniors don't know is that colleges will check your twitter, Facebook, Instagram or any social media site. Some colleges will deny applicants if their social media page have bad influences or inappropriate remarks. 

      Things that surprised me was in paragraph 10 it spoke of social media lawyers. I didn't even know that was a thing! Overall this whole article surprised me because I didn't think that colleges would go that deep into researching their applicants. 

      One question that I had was why wouldn't colleges do this? Then they could see who they might accept into their school. It gives the college a general idea of who the person actually is and what they really do. On a college application page people will always try to make themselves look like an angel but their social media page could ruin their chance. 

     After reading the article I deleted anything that was rude or disrespectful to anyone. I now watch what I post on Twitter or Instagram and make sure it isn't bad. This article really made me realize how fast my chances of getting into a good college could come to an end. For my future plans I hope to get into a division one school (University of Texas or University of Alabama) or play volleyball for any college that offers me a position. I don't know if they check social media but it is always good to be careful of what I post. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Jurassic World Chase

The point of this project was to show a mini movie of Jurassic world. In this little clip a boy is being chased by a "large" dinosaur. Just like the tense scenes in the new movie Jurassic World.

  The process took a while but it was efficient and we got the job done. First was pre-production and we came up with a long and detailed storyboard. The pre-production was done in a day and we came up with tricky shots and funny moments. The production step took a little longer than we wanted it to but it was still good and the shots that we ended up with were all very good. The post-production step was also well timed and the project was turned in on time. This last step is my favorite because seeing the final edit and having it all done is such a relief. Also the final project always makes me amazed because I didn't think I would be able to do that in the first quarter of the year.

What I learned in the past quarter technical wise would be how to use Final Cut Pro, editing to quick shots, and applying music to videos. Professionally I learned how to step outside of my comfort zone and meet people I did not know and work well with them and make new videos. Also I learned how to level out my time evenly and turn in a video in on certain time.

What I would differently would be to try to mess with Final Cut pro and see what it else it can do besides the basic stuff. I was nervous to try to mess with it because I didn't want it to delete my project.

What I would do the same would keep my quick and creative shots. I think this interests the audience into the video. I try to think outside the box and think of new shots to make the audience feel like they are in the movie as well.

What experiences I would draw from previous projects would be to have good lighting and focused shots because it makes the film look more creative.

I just wanted to say I'm very interested in video and I have a feeling that I will defiantly be taking it next year. Hopefully I will have Mr.Allam again!