Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Website pages

My home page from my website has to main areas: My elevator pitch and my personal bio.
In my bio paragraph I give a little bit about myself and talk about my interests and hobbies. Then in my elevator pitch I have a short little persuasion paragraph about how company's should hire me and how I would effect the business
Next in my project page I give a little sneak peak into my personal projects I make. My first project is my graphic design color wheel. I choose this project to post because I thought it was the most organized out of all my projects. Animation is my next area but I have not learned any animation skills but I am looking forward to learning. Last project on my page is my e9 commercial video. In this video I describe what e9 is all about and how the younger generations should invest in it. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

How to tutorial

How to tutorial 

        In this quick tutorial it will teach you how to use the eclipse tool, arch line tool, magic eraser, and the rectangle tool. In this little tutorial I will teach you how to make a ornament. 

   First you need to open up illustrator and then start a new project. Then next you need to go to the eclipse tool and draw a circle. 

After this you need to color the circle with the color sequence in the top left hand corner 
Once your circle is colored you need to go to the magic eraser tool and start clicking inside your circle to make dots. (you make as many as you would like) 
Then next you can color the circle differently if you would like then next you need to draw a little square/rectangle to put on top of the circle. 
Once you do so you will use the arch tool and create a thick line to make a little hook for the top of the ornament 
After you apply the line you are done! You can customize it in any way you would like. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Photoshop projects

 On this project I learned how to make a butterfly and I was actually more fun than I expected. Using the different brushes and making the color in the butterfly to make it unique was a good learning experience.
 With this project I had a more difficult experience with it because the opacity would always reset to 100%. But after I got to erase the car and poles it got a little easier. Overall I was happy with the outcome.
 This project was the one that I got most frustrated with because it my compass would not form and I could not see it very well. I did not like this project at all.
This project was by far my favorite because of the cool gradient in the background. I felt like the gradient really made the picture final and made it look clean and nice to show.