Sunday, September 11, 2016

Procedure video review

Procedure Video Review 

The scope of our first project was to make a procedure video explaining one of the conducts in the Olathe Northwest student agenda. The process of making this video was first planning with a partner. We had to search for a procedure to perform and use storyboards to give our self's an image of which shots will be taken. After the planning we went to the field to shoot the right shots and get the correct angles. Once that was completed we took it back to Mr.Cooper's room and started editing in Adobe Premiere Pro. Once the clips were trimmed, music was entered in, and special effects were displayed my video was complete. During the process I luckily learned how to use our new HD cameras and also learned how to find my way around Premiere Pro. Not only did I learn the technology but I learned how to collaborate better with my partner and learned to listen to their ideas as well. What I would do different the next time would be to get ALL of the shots instead of just medium shots because my video was mostly medium which made it sort of plain. What I would do the same would be giving my video a little bit of humor like slow motion or silly music. The experiences that I gained during the project will definitely help with future projects throughout the year because instead of having to learn all new material which I did this time around hopefully the process will be quicker. In conclusion I am happy with my work but am also ready to learn more about the process of video making.