The scope of my project was to show dramatic flare with the use of the song Hello by Adele. The process to making Hello was first collecting the correct information to complete credits. Then we had to create a small beat sheet that had a layout of our camera shots. Then we used the story board worksheet to imagine our future shots. Once we shot the scenes we all created our own edited video with filter, text, and dramatic flare. During the creation of the project I learned how to use the dolly which helps guide our camera sideways or any other direction. Something I learned professionally was the teamwork that we had to use to create the video and also the project deadlines which were very strict. What I would do differently would be to get the exact same filter that the real music video uses for Hello where the one I use was just something similar. What I would do the same would be the variety of shots that we included. The experiences I will draw from the project to enhance my future projects will be the teamwork because in covergence we mainly worked by our self's so when it came to working together it definantly challenged us.