Friday, March 31, 2017

Plausible Impossibles

Plausible Impossibles

In the clip with Donald Ducks cousin Gus Goose, Gus has a very large appetite. A Plausible Impossible occurs when Donald Duck opens the door after Gus Goose knocks multiple times. Gus continues to hit Donald in the head because he doesn't realize that Donald has opened the door. This causes Donald's head to make noises that sound like dropping metal.  It's impossible for someones head to make the noises that Donald's did. It could be plausible because he hits Donald's head so hard with a wooden umbrella hook so maybe Donald just had some screws loose. 

In this short action when Donald realizes Gus is his cousin he puts his hand out for a handshake. Gus shakes Donald profusely up and down and moves him side to side as well. This is impossible because there is no way someone could shake another persons hand so hard that it shakes them that hard. But in the plausible perspective Gus is almost twice the size of Donald so the weight and height difference could help Gus shake Donald that hard. 

 When Gus smells the food Donald has prepared for himself, Gus goes ahead and sits down in Donald's seat and starts eating the food on the table. Gus grabs a piece of corn and started eating it so fast that it sounded like a typewriter making the ding sound and then having to push it back. Donald looks at him and starts watching him eat it like a typewriter and then Donald's head also follows the typewriter pattern. This is impossible because no one can eat corn that fast and then make it sound like a typewriter. But for the plausible explanation of it, it he is still twice the size of Donald so he can eat more/faster. 

While Gus is eating he up piles some sandwich bread and some sandwich meat. Gus shoots it into his mouth and swallows the big sandwich. When he did this he made his throat look like an accordion. Then his head bobbles up and down like an accordion. Also it makes the sound like an accordion to get across what the animators were trying to portray with the image of Gus's neck. This is impossible because no ones neck can turn into an accordion and move up and down. But from the plausible perspective of it, some people might get that feeling after eating to fast and swallowing too big of a bite. 

As the last plausible impossible in this clip I have chosen the par where Gus's stomach starts to bark. Donald is fed up wit Gus eating all of the food at the table so he brings out the "Barking Hot-dog" that "gets rid of any hungry relative." When Donald offers this to Gus he swallows it down right away and then Donald acts as a cat to anger the hot-dog. Then the hot-dog in Gus's stomach chases Donald down. Donald laughs in amusement because it is a odd situation This is impossible because there is no such things a barking hot-dog that chases you down through someones stomach. But it is plausible because someone could portray it has a hungry stomach barking for food. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Movie Trailer Review

Overall I thought this project was not good. I though the idea of the project was creative and I was excited about completing it but when it came to shooting there was some struggles. The celtx website helped my group a lot when it came to organizing shots and the script. When it came time to shoot my groups video it took a long time. The process was very long and some of my group mates did not help completely. Also it was difficult to find the right actors that could actually shoot when we needed them to. With this it made the process longer and harder for the group and me. I would not recommend this project to others unless they actually have set aside time to shoot and collect all their clips.