Monday, December 11, 2017

Real Life Paw Patrol Dogs

What they did well:
They did a good job of having very creative shots and did a good job of highlighting the dogs skills. They are avalanche rescue dogs and they are very talented and I want one.

What they could improve:
They don't need to improve on anything.

What I will implement:
I will implement the good shots they took and the colors they chose to highlight

live updates of New York bomber

What they did well:
The reporter did a good job of giving very current updates. Any new news that was released was instantly uploaded to the page to give people the best chance to understand what was happening. They did a good job of adding the 5 W's to cut any "light talk" because they gave the hard news instead of putting in any harsh words.

What did they not do well:
They did a good job on everything so they did not do anything bad.

What I will implement:
I will implement the straight facts into y story writing.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Firing of Today show host

What they did well:

They did a good job of not making the case too harsh because he was loved by others wrong the TV world. But stye also gave a good description of what he did fro the news world and what he did in his career.

What they could improve on:

They could improve by adding some more background info of what happened exactly with the sexual interactions he conducted. 

What I can implement:

I could implement the good writing of the article and the how the author did a good job of the 5 W's. I really think that if I can learn to write like that it could help me improve my skills.

"Best pork Butts in town"

What they did well:

They did a good job of showing the food so they could convince people to come try and eat it. The shots the video really made your mouth water as you saw the food. 

What they could improve:

They could improve gathering quotes from customers to see if they actually enjoyed the food so they could rate it "the best in the south"

What I can implement:

 What I will implement is the camera shots and the color included to make the persuasion of rating the food so well.

Chipotle Giveaway

What the reporter did well:

The reporter did well on giving the 5 W's. The reporter did a good job of including the important details and explain that the giveaway is only for one day. They also did a good job of adding extra details about the queso at Chipotle.

What the reporter could improve on:

They could improve on putting in different reactions from customers and different quotes that included reviews or dislikes and likes.

What I could implement:
 I think I could implement adding hard details that include the 5 W's

Olympic Skier says she will not be representing Trump as the president of her country

What they did well: 

The reporter did a good job of including small details about the Olympic Athlete and they did a good job of gathering quality quotes from an interview. The good interviews really effected how people now view the athlete and list another hater to Trump. 

What they could have improved:

They did a really good job and they are professionals so I don't think they need to improve anything. 

What I will implement: 

I will implement good interview skills. I will also learn to better my questions to truly get the best information and quotes I can get.