Thursday, October 27, 2016

Personal Project review-Video

Featured review

For this project we were told that we needed to come up with a featured story. After brainstorming different ideas I nailed it down to the pressure of student athletes. I tried to mainly focus on students here at northwest that live the busy lifestyle. I tried to dig the deep details out of students by interviewing some of them. My process for completing this video was the initial idea, interviewing, and taking b-roll. I learned how to sequence the clips together with the help of Mr.Cooper. Professionally, I learned how to get correct b-roll for my video to help to make sense. What I would different would be getting more b-roll and remembering to turn on the sound so I could get some natural noise in my video. What I would do the same would be the interviews because I felt like my interviews were very strong throughout the whole video. The experiences that I will draw from this video would be the out of school video shooting which I found was very tiring because I had to do a lot of walking around the school.

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