Tuesday, May 23, 2017


    This year in animation has taught me so much! I've learned things like special effects, green screen, 3D modeling, and so much more! Technology wise I have learned how use two different programs called After Affects and Maya. I learned how to use it through tutorials and youtube videos. It was important to learn how to use it because we used it all year! I faced a lot of challenges learning how to use these programs because there are a lot of tools win each program and it can get confusing if you accidentally press the wrong button. Collaborating this year with the people next to me defiantly helped me get through my projects. It was important to have the people around me help me because I most likely would not finish any projects if they did't help me. I never faced challenges with collaborating because the whole class was great the whole year! Communication was defiantly important to learn this year because I had to learn to talk to people I didn't know very well. I learned it by listening respectfully and giving feedback to my group mates. I never faced any challenges because I am a talkative person anyways so it was easy to learn this skill. Project Management was something I learned you cannot take lightly. It was important to learn because if I didn't turn something in on time I wouldn't pass. I only faced challenges with this when I was out of town on the Friday projects were due but that next Monday I got it turned in. Leadership I learned is important when you are in a big group. It was important because if you do not have one person that gives tasks to people in the rest of your group than your group lacks to turn projects in on time. I didn't face any challenges along the way because everyone is good listeners!
    My greatest strengths is leading and giving tasks to people when they are confused or done with their part of their project. My biggest weakness was using some of the programs but it got better as the year progressed. I still need to work on things in After Affects if I use it in the future because it could help me in the future. I am going to take what I have learned in animation this year and transfer my knowledge into convergence next year. The only thing I would change for this class would be my first big project in quarter one because my complete project was just garbage honestly.
    Overall this year was a great learning experience for animation and I cannot wait to see how I will use these skills in the future!

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